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Raeisi: Iran's strategy is to promote economic ties via secure borders


President Ebrahim Raeisi says Iran and Pakistan are resolute on expanding relations, and Tehran's strategy is based on promoting trade through a secure border.

In a meeting with Pakistan's Chief of the Army General Asim Munir in Tehran on Sunday, Raeisi underscored the development of border markets and energy cooperation between the two neighbors.

"Accelerating the implementation of bilateral agreements will promote economic and commercial cooperation between Iran and Pakistan. As a result, we will see improvement in political relations," the Iranian president said.

Raeisi warned of plots by adversaries to tarnish ties among regional countries. The Iranian president placed a premium on employing the existing opportunities in the region and exchanging capacities in order to cement regional stability.

The Pakistani army chief, for his part, hailed Iran's policy of expanding interaction with the neighboring countries, Pakistan in particular.

Pointing to the long border between Iran and Pakistan, General Munir said ramping up economic, commercial and trade exchanges can culminate in a more secure neighborhood. Tehran and Islamabad have reached agreements on boosting security along with the border, the general said.

Munir is in Tehran at the head of a high-ranking delegation. He has also held separate meetings with Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Baqeri and Chief Commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami.

Over the recent years, Tehran and Islamabad have been working towards enhancing relations, not least bilateral economic ties and mutual efforts aimed at combating terrorism in the areas that straddle the border.

Iranian, Pakistani army commanders discuss defense cooperation

In a Sunday meeting between the Pakistani army chief and Commander of the Iranian Army's Air Force Brigadier General Hamid Vahedi, the two sides discussed ways to enhance military, educational, defense and security cooperation.

Vahedi commended the constructive cooperation between the two countries. And the Pakistani military chief underscored the importance of increasing defense and security exchanges.

Press TV’s website can also be accessed at the following alternate addresses:

Source: https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2023/07/16/707163/Iran-Pakistan-Raeisi-Munir

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